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Charity Spotlight: Weehelp Foundation

Welcome to a new feature on! Collectively, one of our big passions is giving back, and we know many of our readers feel the same. So, we’ve created the Charity Spotlight, a place where we will be posting information about Alberta based charities and how to get involved! Up this month, the Edmonton based Weehelp Foundation.

Weehelp Foundation collects donations of toys, baby supplies and clothes, cleans and fixes them (if needed) and then sells them with the profits going to local charities. This foundation operates completely on donations and has raised over $85,000 to date!

Some of our founders have been attending the Weehelp Foundation sales for years and we are always impressed with the quality, prices and attention to detail that items are given. So, we decided to visit the warehouse and see how we could help out!

5 Great Things About Volunteering with Weehelp:

1- You can bring your kids

This is a big one. Many moms with younger kids try and find places that they can volunteer together, or at least bring the kids with them. Lets face it, for parents time is always strapped and finding a babysitter so you can volunteer is difficult. Weehelp is ok with your kiddos coming with you to the warehouse. Andrea is great at finding little tasks for the kids to help out with, whether that be checking puzzles for all the pieces, testing toys or even brushing out Barbie doll hair! They even call their youngest volunteers “Weehelpers” and have certificates. Please do let Weehelp know in advance if you are planning to bring your children so that some special tasks can be planned ahead for them.

Kids volunteering at Weehelp

2- If you are an organizer, you’ll love it!

Word of warning, if you visit the warehouse a month or so before a sale you might be overwhelmed at first. They are literally bursting at the seams with stuff! This is a good thing though, because it means the sale will have a ton of stock. Its just a matter of helping to organize all the stuff, categorize and go through it all. It’s a dream come true for someone who enjoys things like organizing closets and cleaning the playroom- and we know there’s some of you out there;)

3- It is not physically demanding

While there are times when certain jobs at Weehelp are more physically demanding- carrying boxes, loading up the trailers to transport items to the sale, etc. There are many that you can do while sitting or standing such as pricing items, making bundles of things to sell, putting clothes on hangers, and so much more. Anyone can help!

Volunteering at Weehelp Edmonton

4- You can help out from home

Every single clothing item that gets donated to Weehelp Foundation is washed and quality checked before it is sold. You can imagine how many loads of laundry that is. Regular volunteers are welcome to help out by taking a bag or two of clothes home and washing them up before returning them to the warehouse.

5- You can volunteer at the sales a few times a year

If you can’t commit to regular volunteer times, you can always book a drop in session with Weehelp or consider helping out with one of their actual sales. Many volunteers are needed for jobs including sale set up/pack up, crowd control, keeping things neat and tidy, customer service and more. The Spring Sale is coming this April 13th at Terwillegar Community Church. Follow their FB page for all the event updates.

The kids, and us, loved volunteering our time at Weehelp last weekend. Many of us see ourselves going back again soon. We hope you can consider it too, click here to get in touch with them!

Know of an amazing Alberta based charity that we should check out? Let us know about it!

Every Day Girl

Kim Ouellette is a Co-Founder of Alberta Mamas and an Edmonton Realtor with Schmidt Realty Group. She is a wife, mom, daughter, friend and adventure seeker who loves to explore Alberta and beyond. Connect with her at
