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Saving My Sanity During Social Distancing

Normally, I work outside of the house and due to class cancellations I’m home with the kids. I honestly thought the Social Distancing (as per the awesome Dr. Henshaw’s suggestion) wouldn’t get to me.

Well, I was wrong.

It was 10am on the second day when I finally broke down. I cried, a lot. I cried for the people who are sick, I cried for the people who’ve died, I cried and cried and cried. And then, I heard my kids playing and I told myself I had to stop.

There are people out there on the front line – grocery workers, nurses, doctors, police, fire, 911 operators, the list goes on and on. Like all the memes say – We can stay home – for them and for everyone.

So I made myself a list of 5 things that I can do to save my sanity.

Live Yoga/Meditation

There are so many people offering free live, or affordable online memberships. I’ve been watching two in particular myself – Fitcityguide and Metta Yoga but I would LOVE to hear if you’ve found awesome resources!


I utilize my local libraries digital option. They use Overdrive and with my free membership, I have access to lots of free titles. Of course there are lots of great options to buy ebooks online as well. It’s an escape that I love!

Video Chats

Get togethers have been cancelled BUT one of my girlfriends called me, middle of the day, over Facebook video call and it was just the jolt I needed. It was almost as good as being in the room with her. Phone is ok too but I really found seeing her face, her expressions – the human connection.

Netflix/Disney Plus/Prime

Lot of these streaming services are offering free trials – which is a bonus for both the kids and us! We hear Universal is even releasing some movies straight to streaming during the pandemic.


Ok, so this is a no brainer but I have found a few days where, because I didn’t make a specific time to go, I didn’t get out. I got bogged down in things and then it was supper! I started having a reminder in my phone. It’s actually kind of mean – set as “Get off your ass! Fresh air is good for you and you WILL regret it later if you don’t get outside” 😉

I’d love to hear the resources you’ve found work well for you during all this “new normal”!

Chris is one of the only mama’s with a “day job”. Mom of 2, a 7 & 9 year old, she works as a admin for a local bakery. She loves cider, hanging out with good people and writing about her feelings. She currently resides in our Capital City, however she grew up on a farm north east of the city and never forgets her farm girl roots.