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We’re Not Buying Costumes For Halloween

Kids in Halloween costumes

Updated October 10, 2024

I love Halloween; I’ve always been a fan. When I worked in a big call center I was the first one to think of the costume theme for the managers. Dress up and be someone else for a day? Yes, please!

I’ve never gotten into the actual “scare” part of Halloween, but I know many people who do and I say right on!

When I had kids, suddenly I had my own mini ME’s to dress up and every one of their first 4 & 6 years I’ve spared no expense. This year though, it’s going to be different.

This land has welcomed First Nations from across Turtle Island, and settlers and visitors from around the world. Alberta lands are part of Treaties 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, and the homeland of the Métis. Alberta Mamas respects the sovereignty, lands, histories, languages, knowledge systems and cultures of all Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit nations. We are all Treaty people.

Here are reasons we won’t be buying costumes this year.

1. Save Money

I’m just gonna come right out and say it – this economy is still kicking our family’s ass.

We are still catching up from losing work, changing jobs, the little things that come up and you gotta fork out the rainy day fund, all of that, so you know what? We just don’t have money in our house to be spending on frivolities like the latest Paw Patrol, Ninjago or Princess costumes.

Our money can be better spent in other places and that’s just that.

2. We Already Have Costumes

We have a toy box full of perfectly good (if perhaps somewhat small?) costumes. They are using their imagination and becoming a hybrid.

My son says he’s going as Fang Mario – his old Mario costume that I purchased after Halloween last year when they all went on sale and some glow in the dark fangs he found in our house…somewhere. I’ll wash them, it’ll be all good.

My daughter and I both have those one piece unicorn PJs – she wants us to match so she’s decided that will be her costume.

If neither of these options had appealed to them, I believe there are quite a few ideas on google for using household things to create costumes and I was completely ready to go there. For example here’s 40 from Good Houskeeping.

3. No Peer Pressure

When they’re 7 & 5 other kids really don’t care – am I right? Part of me always falls back on my tortured school years – won’t they be teased if they don’t have cool costumes?! My psyche screams at me.

But then Rational Rita pops in and says, enjoy this while you can. There will be a time, probably very soon, when they will insist they have to be “cool” and if they aren’t doing it yet let it be.

4. Weather

Alberta weather.

Yes, at school their costume will be on full display – previous years I’ve actually bought two costumes for this purpose – 1 for school, 1 for trick or treating. Who was I? A Kardashian?

Realistically speaking, while out getting candy they will have at least a jacket on, some years it’s been a snowsuit – so the costume goes over it if it can and it’s usually pretty dark.

Who knows what this year will bring but I’m not going to stress about buying another costume for that, or a bigger costume so it goes over. You’re not going to see their whole costume while they’re out there so what does it matter if it’s something they’ve had forever or worn before?

Skip the Costume Stress

I’ve just put way too much stress on myself in previous years and this year, I made a conscious choice to have a more simple Halloween. They’re good with it, and I’m good with it. Maybe next year we will hop back on the new costume train.

If you’re enjoying this, check out these related posts!

And be sure to check out the complete list of our Halloween posts!

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