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The Sleepover Swap

Kids watching a movie

Updated: October 7, 2024

The kids’ grandparents are local, but they’re well into their years and they’ve never taken my kids for more than a few hours. With no other close family to watch the kids it means paying for a babysitter if we want a night out.

Or at least it did.

A very good friend made a suggestion last year – the sleep over swap.

This land has welcomed First Nations from across Turtle Island, and settlers and visitors from around the world. Alberta lands are part of Treaties 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10, and the homeland of the Métis. Alberta Mamas respects the sovereignty, lands, histories, languages, knowledge systems and cultures of all Indigenous, Métis, and Inuit nations. We are all Treaty people.

How A Sleepover Swap Works

The name is fairly self-explanatory. The way a Sleepover Swap works is we pick nights for both families (usually within the same month). One family takes all the kids for a whole evening, into the next day – then the other family does so.

Fair trade.

And it’s the perfect option for people who have no family close by to help out! Sitters can be PRICEY!

While you’re planning your Sleepover Swap, check out these ideas, too!

Plan Your Own Sleepover Swap

1. Find a Friend

Find a friend with the same number of kids (or not!).

In my case, my friend has 3 and I have 2. It works well, and the fact that they’ve been friends since Moms Group certainly helps.

2. Chose your Dates

We try to make it within the same month, but you can spread it out if you have important events coming up – concerts, weddings, fun stuff like that.

3. Decide on Dinner

We usually just feed all the kids. It evens out since you’ll both be taking care of each other’s kids.

Sometimes the family that is dropping off might choose to bring pizza or something their picky eaters like.

4. Figure out Sleeping Arrangements

Beds filling the living room during a Sleepover Swap

The last swap we hosted had all the kids sleeping in the living room. I slept on the couch to manage horse play.

I got no sleep – not sure I would recommend this one! Next time they’ll be sleeping in rooms!

5. Plan Something Fun!

We had movies and snacks because it was cold out, but as the kids get older there are board games, crafts, and playing outside.

All kinds of good stuff!

Bonus: Pack Treats

This is not necessary but a nice little extra. We bring each other little treats.

For example, when my friend dropped her kids off with me, she brought an Italian Centre Sandwich and in the AM, I was treated to a fancy coffee.

It’s nice to thank each other for the 12+ hours of couple time.

This works great for us, whether you do it every 6 months or once a month – kids LOVE sleepovers and parents deserve time spent together without children in tow.  And with school starting, our little group of kiddos doesn’t see each other as much so it’s a really nice way to stay connected.

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We’re always looking to improve! Have you noticed a spelling or information error, know of something we left out, or would like to share anything else, reach out to us!

And be sure to save this post on Pinterest!

Sleepover Swap: trade with a friend for a night off! pin